CLI todo.txt

This is my Windows CLI version of todo.txt. It has only been tested by me on one Dell and one Lenovo laptop, both had Windows XP SP3.
Please leave comments below with your findings.

Installation instructions:
This is a simple portable application. Simply download and execute the t.exe application in a command window.
During the first run it will look for a todo.ini file in the same folder as the app. If it does not find one it will be created with default settings. If the todo.txt file is not found in the same folder as the application an empty one will be created for you.

Functions that are missing as compared to the traditional todo.txt apps:
Prepend – I understand this better now. Will add soon.
Addm – I can not find a way to have multi line input at a Windows command prompt

Addto, Listfile, move – These all operate on files other than todo.txt. I will get to them at some point.

command – This is part of the extension system in the shell scripts. I have not planned a way to handle these extensions yet.

Of the following options only -h and -V have been implemented. Some of these will be changed to options in the INI file.
Hide context names in list output. Use twice to show context
names (default).
Hide project names in list output. Use twice to show project
names (default).
Color mode
Use a configuration file other than the default ~/.todo/config
Forces actions without confirmation or interactive input
Display a short help message
Plain mode turns off colors
Hide priority labels in list output. Use twice to show
priority labels (default).
Don’t auto-archive tasks automatically on completion
Auto-archive tasks automatically on completion
Don’t preserve line numbers; automatically remove blank lines
on task deletion
Preserve line numbers
Prepend the current date to a task automatically
when it’s added.
Do not prepend the current date to a task automatically
when it’s added.
Verbose mode turns on confirmation messages
Extra verbose mode prints some debugging information
Displays version, license and credits

None of the environment variable controls have been implemented. I may never implement these since they go against my goal of being portable.
Environment variables:
TODOTXT_AUTO_ARCHIVE is same as option -a (0)/-A (1)
TODOTXT_FORCE=1 is same as option -f
TODOTXT_PRESERVE_LINE_NUMBERS is same as option -n (0)/-N (1)
TODOTXT_PLAIN is same as option -p (1)/-c (0)
TODOTXT_DATE_ON_ADD is same as option -t (1)/-T (0)
TODOTXT_VERBOSE=1 is same as option -v
TODOTXT_DEFAULT_ACTION=”” run this when called with no arguments
TODOTXT_SORT_COMMAND=”sort …” customize list output
TODOTXT_FINAL_FILTER=”sed …” customize list after color, P@+ hiding

Function that I added:
Edit – will place the task on the command line in a replace command, ready to edit and hit enter to update.

Functions I would like to add:
Location of the todo.txt file in the INI file
More archiving options, by project, older than xx/xx/xxxx
Dropbox support – Since I am a todo.txt touch for android user this would be real nice.
Sort by task creation date
Add some DUE: date functions

Download here: todo.txt CLI (1798) Version 0.1

Licensed under the GNU General Public License

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